Source code for changes.models.command

import uuid

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime, ForeignKey, Text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint

from changes.config import db
from changes.constants import Status
from changes.db.types.enum import Enum as EnumType
from changes.db.types.guid import GUID
from changes.db.types.json import JSONEncodedDict
from changes.db.utils import model_repr

class CommandType(Enum):
    default = 0
    collect_steps = 1
    collect_tests = 2
    setup = 3
    teardown = 4
    # infra-related setup commands that should be run for both collection and
    # normal phases, e.g. repo cloning.
    infra_setup = 5
    # script to run only during snapshot builds. (setup and teardown will be
    # run for both snapshot builds and normal builds.)
    snapshot = 6
    collect_bazel_targets = 7

    def is_collector(self):
        """Returns whether this CommandType is a collection command"""
        return self in set([CommandType.collect_steps, CommandType.collect_tests, CommandType.collect_bazel_targets])

    def is_setup(self):
        """Returns whether this CommandType is a setup command"""
        return self in set([CommandType.setup, CommandType.infra_setup])

    def is_valid_for_default(self):
        """Returns whether this CommandType should be run for a default JobStep
        (i.e. single-shard or expanded shard)"""
        return not self.is_collector() and self != CommandType.snapshot

    def is_valid_for_snapshot(self):
        """Returns whether this CommandType should be run in a snapshot build"""
        return self.is_setup() or self in set([CommandType.snapshot, CommandType.teardown])

    def is_valid_for_collection(self):
        """Returns whether this CommandType should be run for a collection JobStep"""
        # we only run infra_setup commands for the collection JobStep, not
        # user setup commands.
        return self.is_collector() or self == CommandType.infra_setup

class FutureCommand(object):
    def __init__(self, script, path=None, artifacts=None, env=None, label=None,
        if not label:
            label = script.splitlines()[0][:128]

        self.script = script
        self.path = path or ''
        self.artifacts = artifacts or []
        self.env = env or {}
        self.label = label
        self.type = type

    def from_command(cls, command):
        Creates a FutureCommand from an existing Command database object.
        return cls(command.script, command.cwd, command.artifacts,
                   command.env, command.label, command.type)

    def as_command(self, jobstep, order):
        Return a Command database object from a FutureCommand.
        return Command(

[docs]class Command(db.Model): """ The information of the script run on one node within a jobstep: the contents of the script are included, and later the command can be updated with status/return code. changes-client has no real magic beyond running commands, so the list of commands it ran basically tells you everything that happened. Looks like only mesos/lxc builds (DefaultBuildStep) """ __tablename__ = 'command' __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('jobstep_id', 'order', name='unq_command_order'), ) id = Column(GUID, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) jobstep_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) label = Column(String(128), nullable=False) status = Column(EnumType(Status), nullable=False, default=Status.unknown) return_code = Column(Integer, nullable=True) script = Column(Text(), nullable=False) env = Column(JSONEncodedDict, nullable=True) cwd = Column(String(256), nullable=True) artifacts = Column(ARRAY(String(256)), nullable=True) date_started = Column(DateTime) date_finished = Column(DateTime) date_created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) data = Column(JSONEncodedDict) order = Column(Integer, default=0, server_default='0', nullable=False) type = Column(EnumType(CommandType), nullable=False, default=CommandType.default, server_default='0') jobstep = relationship('JobStep', backref=backref('commands', order_by='Command.order')) __repr__ = model_repr('jobstep_id', 'script') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Command, self).__init__(**kwargs) if is None: = uuid.uuid4() if self.status is None: self.status = Status.unknown if self.date_created is None: self.date_created = datetime.utcnow() if is None: = {} @property def duration(self): """ Return the duration (in milliseconds) that this item was in-progress. """ if self.date_started and self.date_finished: duration = (self.date_finished - self.date_started).total_seconds() * 1000 else: duration = None return duration