Source code for changes.models.jobplan

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import os
import re
import uuid

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.schema import Index

from changes.config import db
from changes.db.types.guid import GUID
from changes.db.types.json import JSONEncodedDict
from changes.db.utils import model_repr
from changes.utils.bazel_setup import collect_bazel_targets, extra_setup_cmd, get_bazel_setup, sync_encap_pkgs
from changes.utils.imports import import_string

class HistoricalImmutableStep(object):
    def __init__(self, id, implementation, data, order, options=None): = id
        self.implementation = implementation = data
        self.order = order
        self.options = options or {}

    def from_step(cls, step, options=None):
        return cls(

    def to_json(self):
        return {
            'implementation': self.implementation,
            'order': self.order,
            'options': self.options,

    def get_implementation(self, load=True):
            cls = import_string(self.implementation)
        except Exception:
            return None

        if not load:
            return cls

            # It's important that we deepcopy data so any
            # mutations within the BuildStep don't propagate into the db
            return cls(**deepcopy(
        except Exception:
            return None

[docs]class JobPlan(db.Model): """ A snapshot of a plan and its constituent steps, taken at job creation time. This exists so that running jobs are not impacted by configuration changes. Note that this table combines the data from the plan and step tables. """ __tablename__ = 'jobplan' __table_args__ = ( Index('idx_buildplan_project_id', 'project_id'), Index('idx_buildplan_family_id', 'build_id'), Index('idx_buildplan_plan_id', 'plan_id'), ) id = Column(GUID, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) project_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) build_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) job_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, unique=True) plan_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) snapshot_image_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey('', ondelete="RESTRICT"), nullable=True) date_created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) date_modified = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) data = Column(JSONEncodedDict) project = relationship('Project') build = relationship('Build') job = relationship('Job') plan = relationship('Plan') snapshot_image = relationship('SnapshotImage') __repr__ = model_repr('build_id', 'job_id', 'plan_id') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(JobPlan, self).__init__(**kwargs) if is None: = uuid.uuid4() if self.date_created is None: self.date_created = datetime.utcnow() if self.date_modified is None: self.date_modified = self.date_created def get_steps(self): if 'snapshot' in return map(lambda x: HistoricalImmutableStep(**x),['snapshot']['steps']) return map(HistoricalImmutableStep.from_step, self.plan.steps) # TODO(dcramer): find a better place for this @classmethod def build_jobplan(cls, plan, job, snapshot_id=None): """Creates and returns a jobplan. Unless a snapshot_id is given, no snapshot will be used. This differs from the build index endpoint where the default is the current snapshot for a project. If a snapshot image is not found for a plan configured to use snapshots, a warning is given. """ from changes.models.option import ItemOption from changes.models.snapshot import SnapshotImage plan_steps = sorted(plan.steps, key=lambda x: x.order) option_item_ids = [ for s in plan_steps] option_item_ids.append( options = defaultdict(dict) options_query = db.session.query( ItemOption.item_id,, ItemOption.value ).filter( ItemOption.item_id.in_(option_item_ids), ) for item_id, opt_name, opt_value in options_query: options[item_id][opt_name] = opt_value snapshot = { 'steps': [ HistoricalImmutableStep.from_step(s, options[]).to_json() for s in plan_steps ], 'options': options[], } snapshot_image_id = None # TODO(paulruan): Remove behavior that just having a snapshot plan means # snapshot use is enabled. Just `snapshot.allow` should be sufficient. allow_snapshot = '1' == options[].get('snapshot.allow', '1') or plan.snapshot_plan if allow_snapshot and snapshot_id is not None: snapshot_image = SnapshotImage.get(plan, snapshot_id) if snapshot_image is not None: snapshot_image_id = if snapshot_image is None: logging.warning("Failed to find snapshot_image for %s's %s.", plan.project.slug, plan.label) instance = cls(,, build_id=job.build_id, project_id=job.project_id, snapshot_image_id=snapshot_image_id, data={ 'snapshot': snapshot, }, ) return instance # TODO(dcramer): this is a temporary method and should be removed once we # support more than a single job (it also should not be contained within # the model file) @classmethod def get_build_step_for_job(cls, job_id): from changes.models.project import ProjectConfigError from changes.buildsteps.lxc import LXCBuildStep jobplan = cls.query.filter( cls.job_id == job_id, ).first() if jobplan is None: return None, None if jobplan.plan.autogenerated(): job = jobplan.job try: diff = job.source.patch.diff if job.source.patch else None project_config = job.project.get_config(job.source.revision_sha, diff=diff) except ProjectConfigError: logging.error('Project config for project %s is not in a valid format.', job.project.slug, exc_info=True) return jobplan, None if 'bazel.targets' not in project_config: logging.error('Project config for project %s is missing `bazel.targets`. job: %s, revision_sha: %s, config: %s', job.project.slug,, job.source.revision_sha, str(project_config), exc_info=True) return jobplan, None bazel_exclude_tags = project_config['bazel.exclude-tags'] bazel_cpus = project_config['bazel.cpus'] bazel_max_executors = project_config['bazel.max-executors'] if bazel_cpus < 1 or bazel_cpus > current_app.config['MAX_CPUS_PER_EXECUTOR']: logging.error('Project config for project %s requests invalid number of CPUs: constraint 1 <= %d <= %d' % ( job.project.slug, bazel_cpus, current_app.config['MAX_CPUS_PER_EXECUTOR'])) return jobplan, None bazel_memory = project_config['bazel.mem'] if bazel_memory < current_app.config['MIN_MEM_MB_PER_EXECUTOR'] or \ bazel_memory > current_app.config['MAX_MEM_MB_PER_EXECUTOR']: logging.error('Project config for project %s requests invalid memory requirements: constraint %d <= %d <= %d' % ( job.project.slug, current_app.config['MIN_MEM_MB_PER_EXECUTOR'], bazel_memory, current_app.config['MAX_MEM_MB_PER_EXECUTOR'])) return jobplan, None if bazel_max_executors < 1 or bazel_max_executors > current_app.config['MAX_EXECUTORS']: logging.error('Project config for project %s requests invalid number of executors: constraint 1 <= %d <= %d', job.project.slug, bazel_max_executors, current_app.config['MAX_EXECUTORS']) return jobplan, None additional_test_flags = project_config['bazel.additional-test-flags'] for f in additional_test_flags: patterns = current_app.config['BAZEL_ADDITIONAL_TEST_FLAGS_WHITELIST_REGEX'] if not any([re.match(p, f) for p in patterns]): logging.error('Project config for project %s contains invalid additional-test-flags %s. Allowed patterns are %s.', job.project.slug, f, patterns) return jobplan, None bazel_test_flags = current_app.config['BAZEL_MANDATORY_TEST_FLAGS'] + additional_test_flags bazel_test_flags = list(OrderedDict([(b, None) for b in bazel_test_flags])) # ensure uniqueness, preserve order # TODO(anupc): Does it make sense to expose this in project config? bazel_debug_config = current_app.config['BAZEL_DEBUG_CONFIG'] if 'prelaunch_env' not in bazel_debug_config: bazel_debug_config['prelaunch_env'] = {} vcs = job.project.repository.get_vcs() bazel_debug_config['prelaunch_env']['REPO_URL'] = job.project.repository.url bazel_debug_config['prelaunch_env']['REPO_NAME'] = vcs.get_repository_name(job.project.repository.url) implementation = LXCBuildStep( cluster=current_app.config['DEFAULT_CLUSTER'], commands=[ {'script': get_bazel_setup(), 'type': 'setup'}, {'script': sync_encap_pkgs(project_config), 'type': 'setup'}, # TODO(anupc): Make this optional {'script': extra_setup_cmd(), 'type': 'setup'}, # TODO(anupc): Make this optional { 'script': collect_bazel_targets( collect_targets_executable=os.path.join(LXCBuildStep.custom_bin_path(), 'collect-targets'), bazel_targets=project_config['bazel.targets'], bazel_exclude_tags=bazel_exclude_tags, max_jobs=2 * bazel_cpus, bazel_test_flags=bazel_test_flags, skip_list_patterns=[job.project.get_config_path()], ), 'type': 'collect_bazel_targets', 'env': { 'VCS_CHECKOUT_TARGET_REVISION_CMD': vcs.get_buildstep_checkout_revision('master'), 'VCS_CHECKOUT_PARENT_REVISION_CMD': vcs.get_buildstep_checkout_parent_revision('master'), 'VCS_GET_CHANGED_FILES_CMD': vcs.get_buildstep_changed_files('master'), }, }, ], artifacts=[], # only for collect_target step, which we don't expect artifacts artifact_suffix=current_app.config['BAZEL_ARTIFACT_SUFFIX'], cpus=bazel_cpus, memory=bazel_memory, max_executors=bazel_max_executors, debug_config=bazel_debug_config, ) return jobplan, implementation steps = jobplan.get_steps() try: step = steps[0] except IndexError: return jobplan, None return jobplan, step.get_implementation()